Well, I don't know about you, but this year has been exhausting already! And with Christmas rapidly approaching, along with the busiest time of year for most of you, we all must remember to take some time out where we can to avoid burn-out!
First of all, with Christmas, comes the annual Public Holidays, and this year there are 6 which need to be taken into account:
Remember, these extra days are exactly that, extra Public Holidays for everyone, not replacement or alternate ones. So yep, 6 Public Holidays...
If you are closing down over the break, your full and part-time staff will be paid for all Public Holidays they would normally work with annual leave used for the remainder of the closure period.
For those who will still be trading during this time, your casual staff will usually receive 2.5 x their standard hourly rate (this multiple includes casual loading) and permanent staff will receive 2.25 x their usual rate. Your particular award may be different so check with Fair Work for clarification for your specific industry.